This is the most insightful article into the current financial crisis that I’ve read so far. Over-correction means loss of freedoms just as it did after 9/11

What can an average American like me do to stop this?  It doesn’t seem like this is stabilizing the markets, the so-called reason for the last minute action. I only take comfort in the fact that natural laws and principles can only be ignored for so long and then consequences correct us. I wish we’d choose to correct ourselves, not make it worse.


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3 Comments so far

  1. Duane Johnson on September 23, 2008 5:36 pm

    Thanks for the pointer to a great article. I’m watching closely, too, and wondering what I can do.

    Why don’t we call someone with a proven financial record, prescience regarding the current turmoil, and sound economic experience and policy to the negotiation table? Would anyone second my motion to call Ron Paul to the rescue?

  2. The Patriot Act 2: This Time It’s Your Money « Daniel Harmon on September 23, 2008 8:06 pm

    […] I’m not the only one with déjà vu. My brother Neal found this telling article in the International Herald […]

  3. doris lehman on September 27, 2008 1:33 pm

    after reading about the huge salaries, bonuses and stock options given to the very people who misrepresented the value of the companies portfolios, I would like to know exactly WHO will be getting the 700 billion
    dollars? When the money is distributed, exactly who will have their hand out? I understand that China has refused to loan us anymore money. We are spending 10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, fighting an illegal war in a country that has a 179 billion dollar surplus, and we are borrowing money from CHINA?! America has got to reject any
    payment to Wall Street…we are broke..our
    government is broken and the two men who want
    to be president had better wake up to the reality that America’s infrastructure, economy, and health care is more important than the SURGE!